HLL proves to be as good as the big boys

HLL-iCIMS, Australia’s newest HIT start-up twins, have immediately shown that they are one of the intellectual leaders in Big Data in Australia in their first public showing. HLL-iCIMS has had three papers accepted at this week’s upcoming Big Data conference in Melbourne, putting it just behind IBM research (4 papers), equal to the handsomely resourced CSIRO’s e-Health Centre and ahead of well established traditional thought leaders such as NICTA (2 papers) and the Centre for Health Informatics, UNSW (1 Paper).

HLL’s revolutionary approach to clinical language processing will be introduced at the Big Data conference presenting facets of TumourTExtract, an automated real-time pipeline for collecting cancer radiology reports at source, transmitting them to the Victorian Cancer Registry, and then extracting a myriad of cancer data elements.

The TumourTExtract technology is expected to revolutionise the epidemiology of cancer with a capacity to obtain the data in real-time, automatically transfer it to the registry, and extract key content for over 100,000 reports per annum.

The attraction of building TumourTExtract for imaging reports is that it provides a far more effective means for obtaining staging and recurrence information for disease as it progresses, allowing for the development of much better knowledge on how cancer develops.

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